Unlocking the Mystery of Your IBPS Clerk Score

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Unlocking the Mystery of Your IBPS Clerk Score

In the competitive world of banking exams, the IBPS Clerk exam is one of the most sought-after exams for candidates looking to secure a job in the banking sector. However, understanding your IBPS Clerk score can sometimes feel like trying to solve a complex puzzle. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of the IBPS Clerk score, decode its components, and provide you with insights on how to interpret your score effectively.

What is the IBPS Clerk Exam?

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts the IBPS Clerk exam annually to recruit candidates for clerical positions in various public sector banks across India. The exam consists of two stages: Preliminary and Main examinations. Candidates who qualify in both stages are then eligible for the provisional allotment process.

IBPS Clerk Preliminary Exam

The IBPS Clerk Preliminary exam is the first stage of the selection process. It consists of three sections: English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability. The exam is conducted in online mode, and candidates have to clear the sectional as well as overall cutoff to move to the Main exam.

IBPS Clerk Main Exam

The Main exam is the second stage of the selection process for IBPS Clerk. It consists of four sections: General/Financial Awareness, General English, Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, and Quantitative Aptitude. Similar to the Preliminary exam, candidates have to clear the cutoff for each section as well as the overall cutoff to be considered for the provisional allotment.

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Understanding Your IBPS Clerk Score

Once you have appeared for the IBPS Clerk exam, the next step is to understand your score. Your IBPS Clerk score is calculated based on the number of questions you have answered correctly in each section, minus the penalty for incorrect answers. The total score is then normalized using the equi-percentile method to adjust for any variations in difficulty level across different exam sessions.

Components of IBPS Clerk Score

  1. Correctly Answered Questions: Each correct answer adds to your total score.

  2. Incorrectly Answered Questions: There is a penalty for each incorrect answer, which deducts from your total score.

  3. Normalized Score: The raw scores are normalized to calculate the final score, taking into account the varying difficulty levels of different exam sessions.

How to Interpret Your IBPS Clerk Score

Interpreting your IBPS Clerk score requires a thorough understanding of the exam pattern, cutoff marks, and equi-percentile method. Here are some tips to help you interpret your score effectively:

  1. Check Sectional Scores: Analyze your performance in each section to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Compare with Cutoff Marks: Compare your score with the cutoff marks released by IBPS to assess your chances of qualifying for the next stage.

  3. Understand Normalization Process: Familiarize yourself with the equi-percentile method used for score normalization to understand how your score is calculated.


Q: What is the equi-percentile method used for IBPS Clerk score normalization?

A: The equi-percentile method is a statistical technique used to normalize scores across different exam sessions by adjusting for variations in difficulty levels.

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Q: How are cutoff marks determined for IBPS Clerk exam?

A: Cutoff marks for IBPS Clerk exam are decided based on factors such as the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, and the performance of candidates.

Q: Can I request a revaluation of my IBPS Clerk score?

A: No, there is no provision for revaluation of IBPS Clerk scores as the evaluation process is automated and error-free.

Q: How can I improve my IBPS Clerk score in the next attempt?

A: To improve your IBPS Clerk score, focus on practicing mock tests, revising concepts, and managing time effectively during the exam.


Understanding your IBPS Clerk score is vital for assessing your performance in the exam and planning your next steps accordingly. By analyzing your score, comparing it with cutoff marks, and familiarizing yourself with the normalization process, you can gain valuable insights into your performance and work towards improving your results in future attempts. Remember, your IBPS Clerk score is not just a number but a reflection of your hard work, preparation, and commitment towards achieving your goals in the banking sector.