Unveiling the Truth: The Psychology Behind Narcissists Talking to Their Exes

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Unveiling the Truth: The Psychology Behind Narcissists Talking to Their Exes

In the world of psychology, narcissism is a personality trait that has captured the fascination of many. One aspect of narcissism that often stands out is the way narcissists tend to maintain contact with their exes, even after the relationship has ended. But what drives this behavior? What is the psychology behind narcissists talking to their exes? Let’s delve into this intriguing topic and uncover the truths behind it.

Understanding Narcissism

Before we can explore why narcissists talk to their exes, we must first understand what narcissism is. Narcissism refers to a personality disorder characterized by an excessive need for admiration, a lack of empathy for others, and a grandiose sense of self-importance. Individuals with narcissistic traits often exhibit manipulative behavior and a strong desire to control those around them.

Traits of Narcissists

Narcissists typically display the following traits:

  • Grandiosity: They have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe they are superior to others.
  • Lack of Empathy: They struggle to understand or care about the feelings of others.
  • Manipulative Behavior: They use others for their own gain and are often deceitful in their interactions.
  • Sense of Entitlement: They believe they are owed special treatment and privileges.

Narcissists Talking to Their Exes

When a relationship ends, it is normal for most people to move on and sever ties with their ex-partner. However, narcissists often struggle to let go and may maintain contact with their exes for various reasons.

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Need for Narcissistic Supply

One key reason why narcissists talk to their exes is their constant need for narcissistic supply. Narcissistic supply refers to the validation and admiration that narcissists seek to boost their fragile self-esteem. By staying in contact with their exes, narcissists can continue to receive attention and validation, even if it is negative.

Control and Manipulation

Narcissists thrive on control and manipulation in their relationships. By maintaining contact with their exes, they can continue to exert influence and assert power over them. This gives narcissists a sense of superiority and feeds their ego, reinforcing their belief in their own grandiosity.


Another tactic that narcissists use to keep their exes in their lives is hoovering. Hoovering is a manipulation technique in which the narcissist attempts to suck their ex-partner back into a relationship by using tactics such as love bombing, guilt-tripping, or playing on their emotions. This cycle of idealization, devaluation, and discard keeps the ex-partner emotionally invested and under the narcissist’s control.


1. Why do narcissists struggle to let go of their exes?

Narcissists struggle to let go because they need a constant source of narcissistic supply and enjoy exerting control over their ex-partners.

2. How can ex-partners of narcissists protect themselves from manipulation?

Setting boundaries, seeking support from loved ones, and practicing self-care are crucial for protecting oneself from manipulation by narcissists.

3. Will narcissists ever change their behavior and let go of their exes?

While it is possible for narcissists to change with therapy and self-reflection, it is rare for them to let go of their exes willingly without seeking professional help.

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4. What can ex-partners do if they are still in contact with a narcissist?

Ex-partners should prioritize their own well-being, establish boundaries, and consider limiting or cutting off contact with the narcissist to protect themselves from further emotional harm.

5. Why do some ex-partners of narcissists find it difficult to break free from the relationship?

The cycle of idealization, devaluation, and discard, coupled with the manipulation tactics used by narcissists, can create a sense of emotional dependency that keeps ex-partners trapped in the toxic relationship.


In conclusion, the psychology behind narcissists talking to their exes is multifaceted and rooted in their need for narcissistic supply, control, and manipulation. Understanding these dynamics can help individuals recognize and protect themselves from the toxic influence of narcissists in their lives. By setting boundaries, seeking support, and prioritizing their well-being, ex-partners can break free from the cycle of manipulation and move towards healthier, more fulfilling relationships.