The Real Reason Behind Narcissists’ Blocking Behavior Exposed!

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The Real Reason Behind Narcissists’ Blocking Behavior Exposed!

In the world of social media and online interactions, blocking someone has become a common practice. But when it comes to dealing with a narcissist, the act of being blocked can take on a whole new level of significance. So what is the real reason behind narcissists’ blocking behavior? Let’s delve into this complex topic and uncover the truth behind this manipulative tactic.

Understanding Narcissistic Behavior

Before we can explore the reasons behind a narcissist’s blocking behavior, it’s essential to understand the fundamental traits of narcissism. Narcissists are individuals who have an inflated sense of their own importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. They often engage in manipulative tactics to maintain control and power over those around them.

The Need for Control

One of the primary reasons why narcissists engage in blocking behavior is their deep-seated need for control. By blocking someone, a narcissist can exert power over them and manipulate the narrative of the relationship. It allows them to control who has access to them and who doesn’t, creating a sense of superiority and dominance.

Protecting Their Image

Narcissists are extremely concerned with their public image and how others perceive them. Blocking someone can be a way for a narcissist to protect their reputation and avoid any potential criticism or negative feedback. By cutting off communication with certain individuals, they can maintain the illusion of perfection and control over how they are viewed by others.

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Punishing and Discarding

Another reason behind narcissists’ blocking behavior is their desire to punish and discard those who challenge their authority or threaten their ego. By blocking someone, a narcissist can inflict emotional harm and assert their dominance over the other person. It is a way for them to assert control and reinforce their superiority in the relationship.

The Emotional Impact of Being Blocked by a Narcissist

Being blocked by a narcissist can have a profound emotional impact on the individual who is on the receiving end of this behavior. It can evoke feelings of rejection, abandonment, and worthlessness, leading to a sense of confusion and hurt. The sudden cutoff of communication can leave the individual feeling blindsided and unsure of what they did to deserve such treatment.

Gaslighting and Manipulation

Narcissists are masters of manipulation and gaslighting, and being blocked by them is just another tactic in their arsenal. They may deny ever blocking the individual or twist the narrative to make it seem like the other person is at fault. This gaslighting can further confuse and disorient the individual, making it challenging to trust their own perceptions and judgments.

Emotional Rollercoaster

Dealing with a narcissist’s blocking behavior can send the individual on an emotional rollercoaster ride. One moment, they may feel relief at being freed from the toxic relationship, only to be overcome with sadness and longing the next. The constant push and pull of emotions can take a toll on the individual’s mental and emotional well-being.


1. How do I know if I’ve been blocked by a narcissist?

If you suspect that you have been blocked by a narcissist, you may notice a sudden cutoff of communication, an inability to access their social media profiles, or a complete disregard for your existence.

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2. Can narcissists unblock someone after blocking them?

Narcissists are known for their unpredictable behavior, so it is possible for them to unblock someone after blocking them. However, this decision is usually made to further manipulate or control the individual.

3. How should I cope with being blocked by a narcissist?

Coping with being blocked by a narcissist can be challenging, but it’s essential to focus on self-care, seek support from loved ones, and set boundaries to protect yourself from further emotional harm.

4. Is it possible to reason with a narcissist who has blocked you?

Attempting to reason with a narcissist who has blocked you is often futile, as they are unlikely to take responsibility for their actions or engage in a rational discussion. It’s best to focus on your own well-being and emotional healing.

5. Can therapy help individuals cope with the emotional fallout of being blocked by a narcissist?

Therapy can be a valuable tool for individuals struggling to cope with the emotional fallout of being blocked by a narcissist. A qualified therapist can provide support, guidance, and strategies for healing from the trauma of the relationship.


In conclusion, the real reason behind narcissists’ blocking behavior goes beyond a simple act of cutting off communication. It is a manipulative tactic used to assert control, protect their image, and punish those who challenge their authority. Being blocked by a narcissist can have a profound emotional impact on the individual, leading to feelings of rejection, confusion, and hurt. By understanding the underlying motivations behind this behavior, individuals can begin to heal and move forward from toxic relationships with narcissists.