The Dos and Don’ts of Maintaining Friendships Post-IIT Graduation

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The Dos and Don’ts of Maintaining Friendships Post-IIT Graduation

Friendships formed during your time at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) are often deep-rooted and cherished. However, once you graduate and embark on different paths, it can be challenging to maintain these relationships. In this article, we will explore the dos and don’ts of maintaining friendships post-IIT graduation to ensure these valuable connections remain strong.


1. Stay Connected: Make a conscious effort to stay connected with your friends post-graduation. Schedule regular catch-ups, whether through video calls, phone calls, or in-person meetups if possible.

2. Show Genuine Interest: Take the time to listen to your friends and show genuine interest in their lives. Celebrate their achievements and provide support during challenging times.

3. Plan Reunions: Organize reunions or get-togethers with your IIT friends to reminisce about old times, create new memories, and keep the bond alive.

4. Stay Updated: Stay updated on your friends’ important life events, such as birthdays, job promotions, or personal milestones. A simple gesture like sending a thoughtful message can go a long way.

5. Be Understanding: Understand that everyone is on their own path post-graduation, and priorities may shift. Be understanding of your friends’ commitments and schedules.


1. Let Distance Hinder Communication: Avoid letting distance hinder communication with your IIT friends. Utilize technology to bridge the gap and stay connected regardless of geographical locations.

2. Assume the Relationship Will Maintain Itself: Friendships require effort and nurturing. Do not assume that the relationship will maintain itself without active participation from both parties.

3. Neglect Communicating: Do not neglect communication with your friends, even if life gets busy. A simple message or call can make a significant difference in keeping the friendship strong.

4. Compare Your Paths: Avoid comparing your achievements or life paths with your friends post-graduation. Each individual’s journey is unique, and it is essential to support each other without judgment.

5. Hold Grudges: Do not hold onto grudges or past conflicts. Address any issues openly and honestly to maintain a healthy and positive friendship.


Q: How often should I communicate with my IIT friends post-graduation?

A: Communication frequency may vary based on individual preferences, but aim to stay in touch regularly to maintain the friendship.

Q: What if I feel disconnected from my IIT friends post-graduation?

A: Take the initiative to reach out and reconnect with your friends. Be honest about your feelings and make an effort to rebuild the relationship.

Q: Is it normal for friendships to change post-graduation?

A: Yes, it is normal for friendships to evolve post-graduation as individuals pursue different paths. It is essential to adapt to these changes while maintaining the connection.

Q: How can I be a supportive friend post-IIT graduation?

A: Show empathy, offer support, and celebrate your friends’ achievements to be a supportive presence in their lives post-graduation.

Q: What should I do if there is a misunderstanding with an IIT friend post-graduation?

A: Address the misunderstanding calmly and openly with your friend to resolve the issue and strengthen the friendship.

In conclusion, maintaining friendships post-IIT graduation requires effort, communication, and understanding from both parties. By following the dos and avoiding the don’ts outlined in this article, you can nurture and sustain your valuable connections with your IIT friends for years to come. Remember, friendships are a two-way street, and investing time and energy into these relationships is key to keeping them strong.

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