Knight in Shining Armor: Mastering AC 24 for Your Level 4 Paladin in D&D 5E

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Mastering AC 24 for Your Level 4 Paladin in D&D 5E: Becoming the Knight in Shining Armor

In the world of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, paladins are known for their unwavering devotion to justice, righteousness, and protection. As a level 4 paladin, one of the key aspects to focus on is your Armor Class (AC), which represents how difficult it is for enemies to hit you in combat. With an AC of 24, you can truly become the knight in shining armor that your party needs. In this article, we will explore the various ways you can optimize your AC to maximize your paladin’s defensive capabilities and protect your allies on the battlefield.

Understanding Armor Class (AC) in D&D 5E

Armor Class (AC) is a crucial stat in Dungeons & Dragons that determines how difficult it is for enemies to land a successful attack on your character. The higher your AC, the less likely you are to be hit in combat. As a level 4 paladin, there are several factors that contribute to your AC, including your armor, shield, Dexterity modifier, and any other bonuses or abilities you may have.

Factors Influencing Your AC

1. Armor:

  • Armor plays a significant role in determining your AC as a paladin. The type of armor you wear, such as plate armor or chain mail, will provide a base AC value that can be further modified by your Dexterity modifier.

2. Shield:

  • Equipping a shield can provide an additional boost to your AC. As a paladin, you have the option to wield a shield in one hand while wielding a weapon in the other, making you a formidable defender on the battlefield.
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3. Dexterity Modifier:

  • Your Dexterity modifier can influence your AC by adding or subtracting from your armor’s base AC value. As a paladin, you may not rely heavily on Dexterity, but it is still worth considering for optimizing your AC.

4. Magical Items and Abilities:

  • Certain magical items or paladin abilities may provide additional bonuses to your AC. These can include spells like Shield of Faith or magical items like the Ring of Protection, which can further enhance your defensive capabilities.

How to Achieve AC 24

To achieve an AC of 24 as a level 4 paladin, you will need to carefully consider each factor that contributes to your AC and make strategic choices to optimize it. Here are some tips to help you reach this impressive AC milestone:

1. Invest in Plate Armor:

  • Plate armor provides a base AC of 18, making it the best choice for maximizing your AC as a paladin. While plate armor can be expensive, it is worth the investment for the protection it offers.

2. Equip a Shield:

  • A shield provides a +2 bonus to your AC when wielded, increasing your overall AC and making you a tough target to hit in combat. The combination of plate armor and a shield can significantly boost your AC.

3. Increase Your Dexterity Modifier:

  • While paladins are not known for their high Dexterity, increasing your Dexterity modifier can still have a positive impact on your AC. Consider taking feats or abilities that can boost your Dexterity score.

4. Utilize Magical Items and Abilities:

  • As a paladin, you have access to various spells and abilities that can enhance your AC. Spells like Shield of Faith can provide a temporary boost to your AC, while magical items like the Cloak of Protection can offer a permanent bonus.
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1. Can I achieve an AC of 24 at lower levels?

  • While reaching an AC of 24 at level 4 may be challenging, it is certainly possible with the right combination of armor, shields, and abilities. Focus on optimizing your defensive capabilities as you level up to reach your AC goal.

2. What are some other ways to increase my AC as a paladin?

  • In addition to armor, shields, and Dexterity, consider taking feats or abilities that can boost your AC, such as the Defensive Duelist feat or the Shield Master feat. These can provide additional layers of protection in combat.

3. How important is AC for a paladin in D&D 5E?

  • AC is crucial for any frontline fighter, such as a paladin, as it determines how well you can withstand enemy attacks. A high AC can make you a formidable tank on the battlefield, protecting your allies and ensuring your own survival.


As a level 4 paladin in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, mastering your Armor Class (AC) is essential for becoming the knight in shining armor that your party needs. By optimizing your armor, shields, Dexterity, and utilizing magical items and abilities, you can reach an impressive AC of 24 and defend your allies with unwavering resolve. Remember that a high AC is not just about avoiding damage but also about inspiring confidence in your party and leading them to victory on the battlefield. So don your plate armor, raise your shield, and become the indomitable defender that your party deserves.