Is Your Narcissist Ex Actually Finished With You? Find Out Now

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Is Your Narcissist Ex Actually Finished With You? Find Out Now

In the aftermath of a relationship with a narcissist, it can be challenging to determine whether your ex is truly finished or if they may attempt to re-enter your life at a later time. Understanding the characteristics and behaviors of narcissists can provide valuable insights into their intentions and help you assess whether the relationship is truly over. In this article, we will explore common signs that indicate your narcissist ex may not be done with you and provide guidance on how to navigate this difficult situation.

Signs Your Narcissist Ex Isn’t Finished With You

  1. Hoovering: One of the hallmark behaviors of a narcissist is hoovering, which refers to the act of attempting to suck you back into a relationship after a period of silence or absence. If your ex frequently reaches out to you, especially when they need something or when they sense you moving on, this could be a sign that they are not finished with you.

  2. Gaslighting: Narcissists are masters of manipulation, and gaslighting is a common tactic they use to distort your perception of reality. If your ex engages in gaslighting behavior, such as denying past events, blaming you for the relationship’s downfall, or making you question your own sanity, they may still be trying to control and manipulate you.

  3. Triangulation: Another tactic commonly used by narcissists is triangulation, where they involve a third party to create jealousy or competition. If your ex attempts to make you feel insecure or elicits a reaction by mentioning another person, they may be trying to maintain a hold on you emotionally.

  4. Love Bombing: In an effort to regain control or win you back, a narcissist may resort to love bombing, showering you with affection, gifts, and declarations of love. While this may seem like a positive gesture, it is often a manipulative tactic used to reel you back in and maintain their dominance in the relationship.

  5. Stonewalling: On the flip side, if your ex suddenly becomes distant, unresponsive, or cold, they may be employing stonewalling as a way to punish you, create uncertainty, or test your loyalty. This behavior can be a way for them to maintain a sense of power and control over you.

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FAQs About Narcissist Exes

Q: How do narcissists typically react to a breakup?

A: Narcissists may react to a breakup with rage, manipulation, or attempts to win you back through charm or guilt-tripping.

Q: Can a narcissist truly move on from a relationship?

A: While narcissists may appear to move on quickly, they often struggle with feelings of abandonment and may try to re-enter your life at a later time.

Q: How can I protect myself from a narcissist ex’s attempts to re-engage with me?

A: Set clear boundaries, seek support from loved ones, and prioritize self-care to protect yourself from a narcissist’s manipulation tactics.

Q: Is it possible for a narcissist ex to change their behavior and truly be finished with me?

A: While change is possible, it is rare for narcissists to undergo significant transformation without professional help and long-term therapy.

Q: What are some red flags that indicate a narcissist ex is trying to manipulate me?

A: Watch out for patterns of gaslighting, love bombing, hoovering, and triangulation, as these behaviors are often indicative of a narcissist’s attempts to control and manipulate you.


In conclusion, navigating a relationship with a narcissist ex can be challenging and emotionally draining. By recognizing the signs that indicate your ex may not be finished with you, setting firm boundaries, and prioritizing self-care, you can protect yourself from manipulation and maintain your emotional well-being. Remember that you deserve to be in a healthy, supportive relationship, and it is important to prioritize your own needs and happiness above all else. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and surround yourself with a strong support system to help you move forward confidently and securely.