From charm to control: The evolution of a narcissist’s tactics in a relationship

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Narcissistic Behavior
  3. Early Charm: The Initial Stage of Narcissistic Tactics
  4. Control Tactics: Signs of Manipulation in a Relationship
  5. Gaslighting: The Psychological Manipulation of a Narcissist
  6. Devaluation: The Shift from Charm to Control
  7. Triangulation: Tactics to Maintain Power and Control
  8. Discard: The Final Stage of Narcissistic Behavior
  9. Recovery and Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
  10. Conclusion


In relationships, there are individuals who exhibit narcissistic behavior. These individuals often display a pattern of charm that gradually transforms into controlling tactics over time. Understanding the evolution of a narcissist’s tactics in a relationship is crucial for recognizing and addressing manipulative behaviors.

Understanding Narcissistic Behavior

Narcissistic individuals typically have an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. They often manipulate and exploit those around them to fulfill their own needs and desires.

Early Charm: The Initial Stage of Narcissistic Tactics

During the early stages of a relationship, a narcissist will often exhibit charm and charisma. They may shower their partner with affection, compliments, and gifts, creating an illusion of a perfect connection. This charm is used to lure their partner in and gain their trust.

Control Tactics: Signs of Manipulation in a Relationship

As the relationship progresses, the narcissist’s tactics begin to shift towards control. They may use emotional manipulation, gaslighting, and isolation to maintain power and dominance over their partner. This control is often subtle and insidious, making it difficult for the victim to recognize the abuse.

Gaslighting: The Psychological Manipulation of a Narcissist

Gaslighting is a common tactic used by narcissists to distort their partner’s reality. They may deny facts, minimize their partner’s feelings, and blame them for issues in the relationship. This manipulation is designed to make the victim question their own sanity and perception of reality.

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Devaluation: The Shift from Charm to Control

As the narcissist gains more control over the relationship, they may start to devalue their partner. They may criticize, belittle, and demean their partner, eroding their self-esteem and self-worth. This devaluation is a way for the narcissist to maintain power and control in the relationship.

Triangulation: Tactics to Maintain Power and Control

Triangulation is another common tactic used by narcissists to maintain control. They may introduce a third party into the relationship, such as an ex-partner or friend, to create jealousy and insecurity in their partner. This manipulation is intended to keep the victim off balance and emotionally dependent on the narcissist.

Discard: The Final Stage of Narcissistic Behavior

In the final stage of the relationship, the narcissist may discard their partner abruptly and without warning. They may move on to a new source of narcissistic supply, leaving their former partner confused and devastated. This discard is a way for the narcissist to assert their power and control over the relationship.

Recovery and Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Recovering from narcissistic abuse can be a long and challenging process. It is essential for victims to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist to process their experience and heal from the trauma. By setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and building self-esteem, survivors of narcissistic abuse can reclaim their power and move forward in their lives.


In conclusion, understanding the evolution of a narcissist’s tactics in a relationship is essential for recognizing and addressing manipulative behaviors. By educating ourselves on narcissistic behavior, we can empower ourselves to break free from toxic relationships and heal from narcissistic abuse. Remember, you deserve to be treated with respect, kindness, and empathy in all of your relationships.