The Strangest Jury Duty Excuses You Won’t Believe Are Real!

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Unbelievable Excuses for Skipping Jury Duty: The Top 10 Weirdest Stories

In a society where jury duty is seen as a civic responsibility, some individuals go to great lengths to avoid serving. From bizarre tales to downright unbelievable excuses, the lengths some people will go to in order to skip out on jury duty are truly astounding. Below, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 weirdest jury duty excuses that you won’t believe are real.

1. The Dog Ate My Summons

In a classic excuse straight out of a sitcom, one prospective juror claimed that their dog had actually eaten their jury duty summons. While this excuse may seem far-fetched, it was apparently enough to convince the court to excuse them from duty.

2. Alien Abduction

In a truly out-of-this-world excuse, one individual claimed that they were abducted by aliens on the night before their scheduled jury duty. While their story was met with skepticism, it certainly ranks as one of the most creative excuses ever heard in a courtroom.

3. Time Travel

Believe it or not, one person actually tried to argue that they had been transported back in time and were unable to fulfill their jury duty obligations as a result. Needless to say, this excuse didn’t hold up in court.

4. Celebrity Impersonation

In a bizarre twist, one individual attempted to get out of jury duty by claiming that they were actually a famous celebrity in disguise. While their acting skills may have been impressive, the judge was not amused.

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5. Extreme Phobia

For some, the thought of serving on a jury can be anxiety-inducing. One juror took this to the extreme by claiming that they had an irrational fear of the color blue, which happened to be the color of the courthouse walls. Needless to say, they were excused from duty.

6. Unbreakable Commitments

In a creative excuse that bordered on the absurd, one person claimed that they had made a vow to never participate in any governmental activities, including jury duty. While their dedication to their principles was commendable, it did not exempt them from their civic duty.

7. Animal Magnetism

In a truly wild excuse, one potential juror claimed that they possessed a unique ability to communicate with animals and could not fulfill their jury duty obligations due to an urgent animal telepathy session. Needless to say, the court did not buy their story.

8. Haunted House

One individual attempted to get out of jury duty by claiming that their house was haunted and they needed to stay home to deal with the supernatural activity. While this excuse may have worked in a horror movie, it did not hold up in court.

9. Extreme Lactose Intolerance

In a somewhat bizarre excuse, one person claimed that they were unable to serve on a jury due to their extreme lactose intolerance. While food allergies are a legitimate concern, this excuse may have been a bit of a stretch.

10. Reptilian Conspiracy

In a story that seems straight out of a conspiracy theory, one individual claimed that they were a part of a secret society of reptilian beings and could not fulfill their jury duty obligations due to a conflict with their reptilian overlords. Needless to say, this excuse did not fly in the courtroom.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Are these excuses real?

Yes, these excuses are all real and have been used by individuals attempting to get out of jury duty.

Q: Did any of these excuses actually work?

While some of these excuses may seem outlandish, a few of them actually did work in convincing the courts to excuse the individuals from serving on a jury.

Q: Can I use these excuses for my own jury duty obligations?

We do not recommend using any of these excuses for your own jury duty obligations. It’s always best to fulfill your civic duty and serve on a jury when called upon.

Q: What are the consequences of skipping out on jury duty?

Skipping out on jury duty can result in fines, contempt of court charges, and even potential jail time. It’s always best to fulfill your obligations and show up when summoned.

Q: Can I reschedule my jury duty if I have a legitimate reason?

In most cases, you can request to reschedule your jury duty if you have a legitimate reason, such as a medical emergency or prior commitment. Be sure to contact the court as soon as possible to explain your situation.


While serving on a jury is a crucial part of our justice system, some individuals will go to extreme lengths to avoid this responsibility. From alien abductions to reptilian conspiracies, the excuses people come up with to skip out on jury duty are truly unbelievable. It’s important to remember that serving on a jury is a vital part of upholding our justice system and ensuring a fair trial for all involved. So next time you receive a jury duty summons, think twice before using one of these bizarre excuses to get out of it.